Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Tips for healthy hair?

1. use and massage scalp with almond/ olive oil a overnight

2. blow dry yr hair but keep a distance of 10 inches (away from roots).

3. regular trimming

4. never comb in wet hair

5. use conditioner

Tips for healthy hair?

use olive oil

Tips for healthy hair?

Wash it every day. Use the shampoos directions of lather, rinse, repeat. Use the blower on cool setting, never high.

Tips for healthy hair?

don't dye it alot...

Tips for healthy hair?

yogurt or curd, egg, any hair oil......mix them and apply them on your hair. Leave this on, for an hour and then wash it away with water and then wash your hair with a good shampoo

Tips for healthy hair?

Deep conditioning once a week really helps. Also take a break from the products when you can, that does murder on your hair.

Tips for healthy hair?

don't use shampoos high in detergants and brush your hair alot

Tips for healthy hair?

I hear that you shouldn't wash hair EVERYDAY bcs it washes away your natural oils %26amp; healthy shine...

Tips for healthy hair?

1. I second the use of egg. Olive oil is good too, but in very small quantities. As with any oil, too much can weigh your hair down. Try putting some in a spray bottle, and lightly mist it over the hair, either while it is damp or dry.

2. Some shampoos contain harsh cleansers that strip the hair of its natural oils. Try washing your hair with conditioner.

3. After I condition my hair, I shampoo it again, because the conditioner can build up and weigh the hair down.

4. If you use a lot of heat on your hair (blow dryer, curling irons, flat iron, etc.) be sure to apply a little light oil to protect the hair from heat. There are different products that are made especially for this.

5. Also, a key to healthy hair is a healthy lifestyle, and that includes plenty of water, fruits, veggies, protein and exercice. Also, if you are taking any kind of medication, make sure you watch how much of your hair is shedding. While shedding is normal, some medications can cause more hair to fall out.

6. Avoid rubberbands or ponytail holders with the metal fastener on it. These can rip out your hair very easily!

Tips for healthy hair?

Don't wash your hair everyday. Or flat iron it everyday.

And you shouldn't dye it all the time.

All that heat and chemicals will totally kill your hair.

Conditioning is good, too.

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