Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Any tips on faster hair growth?

a good diet will make your hair healthy, which includes shine, silkiness, softness, strength, and manageability.

vitamin e is good for the hair

it is moisturizing

and vitamin a

is good for the scalp

and healthy hair growth

protein makes ur hair grow faster than anything else because

hair is basically made of protein


eat eggs.. and dairy products

yogurt, milk, soymilk, and tofu are great examples

citrus fruits are also good for the hair.. and seaweed has a lot of vitamin a. vitamin a can be found in leafy veggies and carrots, especially. it is important to drink enough water to keep ur hair hydrated. 8-10 glasses is suggested for healthy hair growth. also, iron plays an important role in maintaining and growing healthy hair. iron brings oxygen to the hair, allowing it to breathe like us basically

(not the same way obviously)

and so if u dont take enough iron.. ur hair will be starved of oxygen and lose its shine, luster, etc.

b vitamins are also great for the hair. salmon, coldwater fish, and sardines are great fish that contain many of the vitamins hair needs.

i hope this information helped you!!

Any tips on faster hair growth?

Bathe your hair more often and your hair grows faster.

Any tips on faster hair growth?

from somewhere...i dunno if it works...but eating beans or legumes are good for hair growth

Any tips on faster hair growth?

Actually, if you wash your hair everyday it takes out all the natural oils from your hair, wash it every other day and the oils will keep your hair growing healthy!! Go out to the drugstore or hair supply store and get a moisterizing hair mask or conditioner that you keep on for like 20min.

MAYONNAISE works too for 20min and then wash it, if you're willing to try that! :)

Any tips on faster hair growth?

Get hair in a can!!

Any tips on faster hair growth?

if u wash ur hair it helps and destroys u in a way. yes oil will be extracted but the oil comes from the oil u put in ur hair. so do not worry. if u fell u need the oil... try applying some after bath. but do not do everyday coz u will develop extremely oily hair afterwards.yes certain vitamins 2 play an important part and so therfore i would advice u to eat food rich in vitamins and minerals.

Any tips on faster hair growth?


Any tips on faster hair growth?

a lot of people swear by taking sea kelp in a supplement to promote healthy hair and skin

but only a good balanced diet and stimulation of the scalp eg head massage to promote healthy blood supply to the hair follicles can make your hair grow any faster

Any tips on faster hair growth?


its got everything thats good for the hair. even bald men are adviced to stay on a soya diet. i bet it'll work.


soya shampoo

soya natural gels

eat a lot of them daily. once a day. dont over do it.

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